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What is BitShares (BTS)?

What is BitShares? BitShares (symbol BTS), formerly known as ProtoShares (PTS), is an industrial grade “crypto-equity”, peer to peer distributed ledger and network based on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) algorithm. It was created in 2014 by visionary Dan Larimer (“Bytemaster”), co-founder of Steemit, EOS and, Cryptonomex.

What is a BitShares & how does it work?

Aaron now writes about Blockchain Technologies and does content marketing and business development for CoinStructive, a Bitcoin and Blockchain consulting firm. BitShares is an industrial grade crypto-equity, peer to peer distributed ledger and network based on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) algorithm.

How does BitShares compete with banks?

BitShares competes with banks by issuing collateralizing market-pegged and stable bitAssets (also called smart coins) This means crypto-based assets track real-world market assets like the US dollar denominated “bitAsset” known as bitUSD.

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